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点击数:   更新日期:2008年10月05日


发 文 号:国务院令第65号
procedureswith the postal enterprise or its branch office by presenting the writtennotice for receiving them, postal materials addressed to the number of apost office box (a mailbox used exclusively by a particular user), postalmaterials deposited at the post office for collection, postal materialswhich have exceeded the prescribed weight for delivery by address andpostal materials in a large quantity shall be collected by users.
Article 38In case that recipients receive vouchered postal materials, or remitteesreceive remittances, they shall present their valid certifying documentsto the postal enterprise concerned or to its branch office, and shall alsoaffix their seals to, or sign their names on, the relevant vouchers.In case that an acting recipient is entrusted, by a recipient (or by aremittee), with the receiving of vouchered postal materials (orremittances), the said acting recipient shall present the valid certifyingdocuments of the recipient (or the remittee) and of the acting recipient;and, after the postal enterprise, or its branch office, has verified andconfirmed the documents, the acting recipient shall receive the postalmaterials (or remittances) by affixing his/her seal to, or signing his/hername on, the relevant voucher.The valid certifying documents shall include the resident's identificationcard, the residence booklet, and the employee's card.
Article 39In the event that a recipient, on receiving vouchered postal materials,has discovered that the wrapper (of postal materials) has been torn ordamaged, he/she shall announce this on the spot and check the contents. Ifthe shortage or damage of the contents has been definitely caused by thenegligence of the postal enterprise or its branch office, or if thenegligence of the postal enterprise or its branch office has caused theloss or damage of vouchered postal materials, the postal enterprise or itsbranch office shall make compensation in accordance with the pertinentprovisions. In the event that the loss, damage of postal matters orshortage of contents has resulted from the fault of the personnel incharge of the incoming and outgoing mail in the recipient's work unit,such personnel shall hold the prescribed liability for compensation. Thespecific requirements for the transportation and delivery of postalmaterials shall be stipulated by the Ministry of Post andTelecommunications, and shall be made known to the public. If thetransportation and delivery of postal materials have violated theprovisions formulated by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, thepostal enterprise or its branch office concerned shall make compensationsto the users; and the specific measures for making the compensation shallbe stipulated by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.Article 40In case a user has received postal materials by mistake, he/she shallreturn them, in good time, to the postal enterprise or its branch office;postal materials opened by a user by mistake shall be re-sealed and signedby the said user and returned to the postal enterprise or its branchoffice, and the said user shall keep secret the contents of the postalmaterials opened by mistake.Article 41When the personnel of a unit, who are in charge of incoming and outgoingmail, are taking over vouchered postal materials, they shall check thenumber or quantity of the postal materials carefully to make sure that nomistake is made before they affix their seal, for acknowledgment ofreceipt, to the detailed list of the postal materials received. Thepersonnel, who are in charge of incoming and outgoing mail, have theresponsibility to protect and despatch, without delay, various categoriesof postal materials; they shall not open without permission, conceal,destroy or discard, postal materials, or tear off postage stamps frompostal materials.
【章名】Chapter VI The Transportation, Customs Examination and Quarantine Inspection of Postal Materials
Article 42The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications and the administrative bureausof post and telecommunications shall timely inform the transportdepartments concerned of the changing conditions of the direction of flowand rate of flow of postal materials to be transported. Various transportdepartments shall, in accordance with the needs of postal correspondence,give priority to the provision of valid train numbers, flight numbers andshipping space.The transport departments concerned shall, at railway stations, airports,ports and wharves, make proper arrangements for sites, in-and-out passageways, premises for leading, unloading and storing postal materials as wellas information installations for circulating information about theconditions of driving and navigation. With respect to newly-built,rebuilt, and expanded railway stations, airports, ports and wharves, itshall be necessary to work out a unified plan of making arrangements forsites and passageways for storing and transshipment of postal materials,and the expenses thus entailed for the capital construction shall be borneby the postal enterprises.Article 43When a postal enterprise entrusts a transport department with thetransportation of postal materials, an agreement for the transportation ofpostal materials shall be concluded.Article 44Postal materials, which have been contracted for transportation by atransport unit, shall have the priority over the transportation ofordinary goods. In the event that, for one reason or another, the shipmenthas to be suspended temporarily, or the shipping time or berthing placehas been changed, the transport unit shall inform the postal enterprise orits branch office of the situation without delay.Article 45Vessels carrying postal materials shall fly the post flag; and variousports concerned shall give priority of clearance to vessels that fly thepost flag.Article 46When a transport unit has contracted for the transportation of postalmaterials, except for where the postal enterprise or its branch officesends personnel to escort the transportation, it shall go through theformalities with the postal enterprise or its branch office for handingover, and signing for the receipt of, relevant postal materials.With the exception of the cause of force majeure, if any loss, shortage ordamage has happened to postal materials under the safe-keeping of atransport unit or on the way of transportation, the transport unitconcerned shall compensate therefor in accordance with the provisions inthe agreement for the transportation of postal materials. In the eventthat a vessel carrying postal materials has met with perils of the sea andmust jettison the goods it carries, it must not jettison the postalmaterials it carries until the last minute.
Article 47When vehicles, vessels and postal staff, which/who are carrying out thetask of transporting and delivering postal materials, are passing bridges,ferry crossings, tunnels or inspection stations, the departments concernedshall give them priority in clearance. When postal vehicles bearing thespecial postal marks are transporting and delivering postal materials,they may, on the strength of the pass verified and issued by the publicsecurity organs, take the routes close to traffic and park in the no-parking sectors without restriction. In the event that postal vehicles orpostal staff have violated traffic rules and regulations in the course oftransporting or delivering postal materials, the competent departmentsshall give them clearance after recording the cases, and deal with themafterwards, when they have carried out their tasks of transportation ordelivery.Article 48The postal enterprise shall, in accordance with the operational timetableformulated on the basis of the transporting vehicles' time of arrival at astation (a port) and time of departure from a station (a port), and alsowith time limit for transportation or delivery, inform the Customs of anychange in such timetable 3 days in advance. The Customs shall, inaccordance wit
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