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发 文 号:一九八四年二月二十七日发布

表1 国际单位制的基本单位------------------------------ 量 的 名 称 | 单 位 名 称 | 单 位 符 号------------------------------
长 度 | 米 | m
质 量 | 千克(公斤) | kg
时 间 | 秒 | s
电 流 | 安[培] | A
热力学温度 | 开[尔文] | K
物质的量 | 摩[尔] | mol
发光强度 | 坎[德拉] | cd------------------------------
表2 国际单位制的辅助单位------------------------------ 量 的 名 称 | 单 位 名 称 | 单 位 符 号------------------------------
平 面 角 | 弧 度 | rad
立 体 角 | 球 面 度 | sr------------------------------
表3 国际单位制中具有专门名称的导出单位----------------------------------
量 的 名 称 | 单位名称 |单位符号| 其它表示式例----------------------------------频 率 |赫[兹] | Hz | 1/s力;重力 |牛[顿] | N | kg·m/秒平方压力,压强;应力 |帕[斯卡] | Pa | N/平方米能量;功;热 |焦[耳] | J | N·m功率;辐射通量 |瓦[特] | W | J/s电荷量 |库[仑] | C | A·s电位;电压;电动势 |伏[特] | V | W/A电 容 |法[拉] | F | C/V电 阻 |欧[姆] | Ω | V/A电 导 |西[门子] | S | A/V磁通量 |韦[伯] | Wb | V·s磁通量密度,磁感应强度|特[斯拉] | T | Wb/平方米电 感 |亨[利] | H | Wb/A摄氏温度 |摄氏度 | ℃ |光通量 |流[明] | lm | cd·sr光照度 |勒[克斯] | lx | lm/平方米放射性活度 |贝可[勒尔]| Bq | 1/s吸收剂量 |戈[瑞] | Gy | J/kg剂量当量 |希[沃特] | Sv | J/kg-------------------------------------
表4 国家选定的非国际单位制单位---------------------------------------------量 的 名 称| 单 位 名 称 | 单位符号 | 换算关系和说明---------------------------------------------
| 分 | min |1 min=60s时 间 | [小]时 | h |1 h=60min=3600s
| 天(日) | d |1 d=24h=86400s---------------------------------------------
| [角]秒 |(") |1"=(π/648000)rad平 面 角 | | | (π为圆周率)
| [角]分 |(') |1'=60"=π/10800)rad
| 度 |(°) |1°=60'=(π/180)rad---------------------------------------------旋转速度 | 转每分 |r/min |1r/min=(1/60)/s---------------------------------------------长 度 | 海 里 |n mile|1n mile=1852m
| | |(只用于航程)---------------------------------------------
| 节 | kn |1kn=1n mile/h速 度 | | |=(1852/3600)m/s
| | |(只用于航行)---------------------------------------------质 量 | 吨 | t |1t=1000kg
| 原子质量单位 | u |1u≈1.6605655×10的-27次方 kg---------------------------------------------体 积 | 升 | L,(l)|1L=1立方分米=1/1000立方米--------------------------------------------- 能 | 电子伏 | eV |1eV≈1.6021892×10 的-13次方J---------------------------------------------级 差 | 分 贝 | dB |---------------------------------------------线 密 度 | 特[克斯] | tex |1tex=1g/km---------------------------------------------
表5 用于构成十进倍数和分数单位的词头--------------------------------- 所表示的因数 | 词头名称 | 词头符号--------------------------------- 10的18次方 |艾[可萨] | E 10的15次方 |拍[它] | P 10的12次方 |太[拉] | T 10的 9次方 |吉[咖] | G 10的 6次方 | 兆 | M 10的 3次方 | 千 | k 10的 2次方 | 百 | h 10的 1次方 | 十 | da 10的-1次方 | 分 | d 10的-2次方 | 厘 | c 10的-3次方 | 毫 | m 10的-6次方 | 微 | μ 10的-9次方 |纳[诺] | n 10的-12次方 |皮[可] | p 10的-15次方 |飞[母托] | f 10的-18次方 |阿[托] | a---------------------------------注:1、周、月、年(年的符号为a),为一般常用时间单位。
2、[ ]内的字,是在不致混淆的情况下,可以省略的字。
3、( )内的字为前者的同义语。
【章名】Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THEPEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GOVERNING FOREIGN-RELATED MATTERS" (1991.7)which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the StateCouncil of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the ChinaLegal System Publishing House.In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.
【章名】Whole Document (法规全文)
DECREE OF THE STATE COUNCIL CONCERNING THE USE OF UNIFORM LEGALMEASURES IN THE COUNTRY(Issued on February 27, 1984)Since the State Council issued the Decree Concerning the Unification ofthe System of Measurement in 1959, which stipulates that the metric systemis the basic system of measurement in the country, remarkable achievementshave been made in promoting the metric system, reforming the Chinesemarket system, restricting the British system and abolishing the old andmixed systems in China. In order to implement the policy of opening up tothe outside world and invigorating the economy at home, meet the needs ofdeveloping the national economy and cultural and educational undertakings,promote the advancement of science and technology and broadeninternational economic and cultural exchanges, the State Council hasdecided to further unify the measures of the country on the basis ofadopting the advanced international system of measurement. The 21stExecutive Meeting of the State Council held on January 20, 1984 discussedand approved the following documents submitted by the State MeasurementBureau: the Report Concerning the Use of Uniform Legal Measures in theCountry, the Suggestion Concerning the full Application of the Country'sLegal Measures, and the Legal Measures of the People's Republic of China.The Decree is hereby issued:
I. The Legal Measures of the People's Republic of China (see the Appendix)shall be adopted in any measurement in our country.II. The Chinese market system of measures currently in use in dailycommercial activities may remain applicable till the end of 1990, beforewhich the transition to the national legal measures must be completed. Asfor the reform of farmland measures, a reform plan shall be drawn up andpromulgated separately on the basis of investigation and study.III. The reform of measures is a matter which concerns all walks of lifeand broad masses of people. Leading cadres in the various localities anddepartments must pay adequate attention to it and formulate vigorous andreliable plans of implementation so as to ensure its successfulcompletion.IV. The State Measurement Bureau shall be vested by this Decree with theresponsibility of the implementation thereof.This Decree shall go into effect from the date of issuance. If anyprevious provisions come into conflict with this Decree, this Decree shallprevail.THE LEGAL MEASURES OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINAThe legal measures of the country (hereinafter referred to as the legalmeasures) include:(1) basic units of the international system of measurement (see Table 1);(2) auxiliary units to the international system of measurement (see Table2);(3) units derived from the ones with special names in the internationalsystem of measurement (see Table 3);(4) units of non-international system of measurement chosen by the State(see Table 4);(5) units formed by combining the above units;(6) units formed by the symbols (see Table 5) and the above unitsmultiplied or divided by 10.The definitions, uses, etc. of the legal measures shall be stipulatedseparately by the State Measurement Bureau.Table 1 Basic Units of the International System of Measurement.
|============================|===================|===============||Name of Measure | Name of Unit | Unit Symbol ||============================|================

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