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评论: 更新日期:2014年07月19日

1. 软梯Rope ladder
1.1. 普通软梯的安全索,必须与船体联接牢靠,软梯上方入口处,应配有安全扶手。
Ordinary ladder safety cable must connect with the hull firmly, and safety armrest shall be equipped with the ladder above the entrance.
1.2. 普通软梯应能有效地供船员、工作人员安全登船和离船。
Ordinary ladder should be able to effectively for the crew, the personnel safety boarding and off the ship.
1.3. 普通软梯的搭设由值班水手负责,操作时要有足够的人员配合,上端应先系定在甲板或舷墙上。
The sailor on duty is responsible for the erection of an ordinary ladder, while operating sufficient staff have to cooperate. The top part of the ladder should be set on the deck or side wall first.
1.4. 软梯的保管、检查、维修由水手长负责,如发现损坏、腐蚀、霉烂等缺陷应禁止使用。
The boatswain is responsible for the ladder of storage, inspection and maintenance, if discovery of the damage, corrosion, mildew and other defects about the ladder, which should be prohibited to use any more.
2. 桥板Bridge plate
2.1. 应能有效地供船员和工作人员安全登船和离船。
The bridge plate should be able to effectively for the crew and personnel safety boarding and off the ship
2.2. 桥板上应有防滑装置,如钉有木条等。
Bridge plate should have anti-skid devices, such as strips of wood nailed.
2.3. 桥板宽度不少于70厘米,厚度不少于5厘米;使用桥板时需固定一端并装有活动栏杆。
The width of bridge plate is not less than 70cm, thickness is not less than 5cm. When using the bridge plate, one end should be fixed and should be equipped with activity railings.
2.4. 桥板的搭设由值班水手负责,水手长应经常对桥板进行检查,发现有损坏应立即修复,如发现腐烂等缺陷应禁止使用。
The sailors on duty are responsible for setting up bridge plate, boatswain should regularly check the bridge plate, if any damage has been discovered, must be repaired timely, if there is any defects such as corrosion, mildew on the plate, shall be prohibited to use any more.
3. 舷梯 Gangway ladder
3.1. 舷梯的收放应有二人配合操作,一人指挥,一人操作。放舷梯时,应注意四周有无障碍物,操作者先点触下降按钮,使舷梯在重力作用下,慢慢翻转。翻转时,注意有无卡阻现象,若有卡阻,应停止操作,进行检查,切不可继续放出钢丝过长,避免事故。
Gangway ladder operations need two people coordinating together, one command, one operation. Put the gangway ladder, should pay attention to whether there are obstacles all around. The operator first presses down button, so that the ladder will slowly turn under gravity. When ladder reversing, observe whether there is the phenomenon of jamming, if jamming, stop operation, check and never continue to release wire much long, in order to avoid accidents.
3.2. 舷梯转盘放平后,适当放低梯身,便于舷梯扶手的架设。
After put the ladder turntable flat, just lower the ladder body appropriately for setting up armrest easily.
3.3. 收紧扶手绳索,牢固地系于船舷处。
Tightening armrest ropes, firmly tied to the ship's gunwale.
3.4. 下降舷梯,慢慢调整高度,便于人员上下。
Put down the gangway slowly to adjust the height, for staff easy to up and down.
3.5. 舷梯的收与放操作顺序相反。
Operation of accepting the ladder is against with the releasing operation.
3.6. 舷梯的收放和值班由水手负责,根据船舶浮态,及时调整流舷梯高度,确保舷梯安全使用,由水手长负责检查和保养。
Sailors on duty are responsible for the gangway ladder’s operation up and down, the height of ladder should be adjusted timely according to ship’s floating condition to ensure its safety. Boatswain is responsible for inspecting and maintaining the gangway ladder.
4. 安全网Safety net
4.1. 为保证登、离船人员人身安全,在使用舷梯和桥板时,都应设置安全网。
To ensure the board and disembarkation personal safety, safety net should be set up when using the gangway ladder and bridge plate.
4.2. 安全网由天然或合成纤维制成。绳直径不得小于5毫米,网眼不得大于200×200毫米,加固绳直径不得小于10毫米,两绳间距不得大于3米。
Safety net is made from natural or synthetic fibers. It is required that rope not less than 5 mm in diameter, mesh no larger than 200 × 200 mm, reinforced rope not less than 10 mm in diameter, spaced not more than two 3-meter rope.
4.3. 安全网大小:桥板安全网应伸出桥板左右侧不得小于1.5米,舷梯安全网应根据海事部门和有关单位要求设置。
Safety net size: safety net for bridge plate should not be less than 1.5 meters on left and right sides, safety net for the gangway ladder should be based on requests for the Maritime Sector and related settings.
4.4. 值班水手负责安全网的张挂和设置并负责在开航前将安全网收妥保存好,水手长应经常对安全网的质量和可靠性进行检查
Sailors on duty are responsible for setting the safety net when used and are responsible for keeping safety net before sailing , boatswain should always check the quality and reliability of the safety net.

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