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评论: 更新日期:2013年12月18日

    3.7.3 经演练证实应急管理措施不能满足相应应急管理需要,需进行修改完善时,应急管理措施的修订和修订审批程序,应按原应急管理措施的编制、审批程序进行。修订后的应急管理措施,应及时下发有关单位和人员,必要时,应组织相应的培训或演练。
    1. .急救报告
    XXXXXX SECCO HSE 部门电话    67250411         XXXXXX医疗站     67250476 
    医疗救护(救护车):    120           67250239       67250246
    1 停车PARKING
    只允许在指定的区域停车。应标识授权的公司和区域使用的规定。财产中的所有车辆应是车辆业主的风险,业主或中石化十公司不承担这类车辆损坏或被盗窃的责任。 Parking will be permitted in designated areas only. Signs shall be posted listing the authorized company(s) and rules governing the use of the area. All vehicles on the property will be at the risk of the vehicle owner and neither Owner, or TCC SINOPEC accepts responsibility for damage to or theft of or from such vehicles.
    2. 入口大门ENTRANCE GATE
    中石化十公司雇员,分包商和/或厂家只能使用指定的进出现场大门。采购和承包人员应与厂家和分包商进行安排以便知道使用那一个大门和本项目的现场位置。TCC SINOPEC employees, subcontractors and/or venders shall use only the designated gate for entrance and exit to and from the job site. Procurement and contract personnel will make arrangements with vendors and subcontractors so that they will know which gate to use and job site location on the project.
    3. 人行道和车行道WALKS AND ROADWAYS
    所有的人员和/或分包商在进入或离开现场时,在从一个区域转移动到另一个区域,或在接收材料时只能使用指定的人行道和车行道。禁止采用捷径或未指定的路径。 All personnel and/or subcontractors will use only designated walks and roadways when entering or leaving the jobsite, when moving from one area to another, or when obtaining material. The use of short cuts or un-designated pathways is prohibited.
    在本项目所有的人员都应佩带徽章。该徽章应标识雇员的公司,雇员的姓名和编号。雇员只能佩带公司发的安全帽。分包商应佩带与在项目现场的业主、中石化十公司或其他分包商不同颜色的安全帽。All personnel shall wear their badges at all times when on the project. The badge shall identify the employee by company, employee name and assigned number. Employees shall wear only company issued hard hats. Subcontractor(s) will wear a different color hard hat that of Owner, TCC SINOPEC or other subcontractor(s) on project site.
    厂商和/或参观者需要得到许可由承包协调员陪同进入现场。在得到许可之后,应发给厂商或参观者一个临时参观徽章并在项目中始终佩带,在离开现场时还给保安部门。厂商或参观者应佩带公司发的安全帽。Vendors and/or visitors will require permission to enter by a contract coordinator. After permission is obtained the vendor or visitor will be issued a temporary visitor badge that is to be worn at all times while on the project and returned to security upon each departure of the site.
    Vendors or visitors shall wear a company-issued hard hat or that of the host company only.
    从该项目撤除的所有的工具和材料,垃圾除外,必须拥有中石化十公司和业主出具的材料通行证。材料通行证必须由中石化十公司和业主指定的代表签字。安全代表保留一份原件,一份复印件必须随材料一起出大门。两份复印件交给门卫。All tools and materials, other than trash, that is removed from the project must be accompanied by a material pass contained from the TCC SINOPEC/Owner. The material pass must be signed by a designated representative of TCC SINOPEC and Owner. The Safety Representative retains one copy and the original and one copy must accompany the material to the gate. Both copies are to be surrendered to the gate guard.
    中石化十公司和/或业主保留搜查中石化十公司雇员、分包商、厂商和参观者的人身和/或财产的权利。TCC SINOPEC and/or Owner, reserves the right to the search of person and/or property of TCC SINOPEC employees and subcontractor(s), vendors and visitors when on Owner, property.
    7. 赌博GAMBLING
    禁止各种类型的赌博。All forms of gambling are prohibited.
    8. 照相机CAMERAS
    未经中石化十公司和业主、项目安全经理的书面同意禁止使用照相机。Cameras are prohibited without the expressed written consent of the TCC SINOPEC/Owner, Project Safety Manager.
    不允许任何酗酒或服用非法毒品的人员进入该项目或在现场闲逛。Any person under the influence of or in the possession of any intoxicating liquor or illegal drug will not be permitted to enter the project or loiter on property.
    现场不允许携带武器、酒精饮料、麻醉药或炸药。Firearms, alcoholic beverage, narcotics or explosives will not be permitted on property.
    10.1 机动车辆所需要的设备Equipment Required on Motor Vehicles
    装置内所有的机动车辆必须处于安全操作状态。在进入装置时,所有的机动车辆必须将有效的检验证贴在挡风玻璃上。对于不需要贴检验证的车辆或外来车辆,考虑到车辆的安全,下述设备必须处于良好的工作状态:(1)刹车,(2)灯-两个前灯、尾灯、刹车灯,(3)喇叭,(4)消音器,(5)安全玻璃,(6)刮雨器和反光镜。双轮车辆应在每个双轮上装配适当的挡水板,当车辆行驶时,物体不会喷射到挡水板和后面。All motor vehicles in the plant must be in safe operating condition. When entering the plant, all motor vehicles must display a valid state inspection sticker on the windshield. For vehicles nor requiring a state inspection sticker or from out of state, the following equipment must be in proper working condition for the vehicle to be considered safe: (1) brakes; (2) lights-two headlights; tail lights; brake light; (3) horn; (4) muffler; (5) safety glass; (6) windshield wiper and rear mirror. Vehicles having dual wheels shall be equipped with suitable flaps on each dual wheel so that objects will not be ejected past the flaps, to the rear, when the vehicle is in motion.
    (1)驾驶证Driver's license
    机动车辆驾驶员应遵守中国上海的驾驶许可证的规定。Motor vehicle drivers shall be qualified in accordance with driver's license regulations of  Shanghai , China.
    (2)警告旗Warning flags
    超宽、超长的车辆应使用红旗。Red flags shall be used on any load that extends beyond the front, side, or rear of any vehicle.
    (3)交通标志Traffic signs
    所有的交通标志和信号,无论是固定式还是便携式都应遵守,驾驶员必须与指定的代表合作指挥交通。All traffic signs and signals, whether fixed or portable, shall be obeyed, and drivers must cooperate with representatives appointed to direct traffic.
    (4) 限速Speed limit
    所有的车辆应按装置内的限速驾驶。All vehicles shall be operated within the plants posted speed limits.
    (5)驾驶与停车 Driving and Parking
    车辆应在街道的右侧行驶并停放在为承包商雇员所指定的区域。车辆不应停留在阻碍或干扰消防栓或消防器材使用的地方。发动机运行时,车辆不能无人照看。Vehicles shall be driven on the right side of street and be parked in areas designated for contractor employee parking. Vehicles shall not be parked in such a manner as to sloe down, hinder, or interfere with the free flow of traffic. Vehicles shall not be parked so as to block or interfere with the use of fire hydrants or fire equipment. Vehicles shall not be left unattended with the motor running.
    所有机动车辆应给步行者、自行车、救护车和消防器材让路。所有的机动车辆驾驶员应懂得常规的驾驶礼貌。All motor vehicles shall give right-of-way to pedestrians, bicycles, ambulances, and fire fighting equipment. Ordinary driving courtesy shall be practiced by all drivers of motor vehicles.
    乘客应限制到由业主确定的合理人数,车辆不应拥挤。机动车辆驾驶员应不允许乘客坐在挡泥板、踏脚板、顶棚或机动车辆的缓冲器上。乘客应将所有的物品放在驾驶室内或车上,车辆行驶时必须坐稳。必须将后挡板提起。车辆行驶时,乘客不能上车或下车。Passengers shall be limited to a reasonable number determined by owner and vehicle shall not be over crowned. Drivers of motor vehicles shall not permit passengers to ride on fenders, running boards, tops, or bumpers of motor vehicles. Passengers shall keep all parts of their bodies inside the cab or body of vehicles and must be seated while vehicle is in motion. Tailgates must be kept raised. Passengers shall not get on or off a vehicle while it is in motion.
    (8)挡风玻璃或窗户阻塞Windshield or window obstruction
    装置内不允许车辆使用带有不透明的材料,而妨碍任何一侧窗户或挡风玻璃的能见度。所有的车辆应装有适当的后视装置。车辆或阻碍观察后面的设备应配备报警。Vehicles having nontransparent materials, which interfere with clear visibility through any side window or windshield, shall not be operated in the plant. All vehicles shall be equipped with adequate rear-view devices. Vehicles or equipment with an obstructed view to the rear shall be equipped with a back up alarm.
    (9)街道、道路障碍物、消防器材或消防设施Obstructing streets, roads, fire equipment or fire fighting facilities
    除非在应急情况,未经承包人员的许可,承包商不应堵塞道路/街道。当承包商的工作阻塞街道的道路,承包商应提供认可的灯具、栅栏、警告设施或信号员。消防器材、消防设施和消防栓不能被停留的车辆堵塞。Except in emergency situations, contractor shall not block roads/streets without permission from contact person. When contractor's work obstructs a road of street, contractor shall provide approved lights, barriers, warning devices, or signalmen. Fire equipment, fire fighting facilities, and fire hydrants must not be blocked by parked vehicles.
    联系电话:  XXXXXXCECCO HSE部门  67250411    当地派出所  57255123    
    1 HSE管理记录的分类与分类内容
    1.1 HSE管理记录的分类
    --项目工程施工过程HSE因素 (危险源) 监视和测量记录。
    1.2 HSE管理记录的分类内容
    1.2.1 HSE 管理记录内容
    --内、外部HSE 审核记录;
    --HSE 管理评审记录。
    1.2.3项目工程施工过程HSE因素 (危险源) 监视和测量记录内容

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